
Welcome to the Potty Poche™ App, for people on the go who have to go! If you're like us, you are someone who likes to explore … get off the beaten path a bit. It’s when you get on the road less traveled that you sometimes find yourself in need, not knowing where you can relieve yourself.

Potty Poche™ , a travel guide/public toilet navigator, has solved that problem for you and provided you with a travel guide to must-see destinations in the fascinating region of Tuscany, Italy (and beyond).

Potty Poche™ Tuscany explores picture-perfect hill towns, scopes out idyllic seaside villages, visits a plethora of frescoes, relaxes in numerous Tuscan spas, and goes off the beaten path for a handful of totally unique, totally Tuscan experiences. Apple Apps/Google Play Store: $ 0.99 (USD). Uniquely for U!

Potty Poche™ Toscane explore des villes de colline parfaites, explore des villages balnéaires idylliques, visite une pléthore de fresques, se détend dans de nombreux spas toscans et sort des sentiers battus pour une poignée d'expériences totalement uniques, totalement toscanes. Apple Apps/Google Play Store: $ 0.99 (USD). Unique pour U!

Potty Poche™ Toskana erkundet malerische Bergstädte, erkundet idyllische Küstendörfer, besucht eine Fülle von Fresken, entspannt sich in zahlreichen toskanischen Spas und verlässt die ausgetretenen Pfade für eine Handvoll völlig einzigartiger, völlig toskanischer Erlebnisse. Apple Apps/Google Play Store: $ 0.99 (USD). Einzigartig für U!

Potty Poche™ La Toscana explora pueblos de montaña perfectos, recorre idílicos pueblos costeros, visita una gran cantidad de frescos, se relaja en numerosos balnearios toscanos y se sale de los caminos trillados para un puñado de experiencias totalmente únicas y totalmente toscanas. Apple Apps/Google Play Store: $ 0.99 (USD). Únicamente para U!

Potty Poche™ La Toscana esplora città collinari da cartolina, esplora idilliaci villaggi sul mare, visita una miriade di affreschi, si rilassa in numerose spa toscane e va fuori dai sentieri battuti per una manciata di esperienze totalmente uniche e totalmente toscane. Apple Apps/Google Play Store: $ 0.99 (USD). Unicamente per U!